
Nezbytné Ingredience pro Dokonalou Pizzu

Pizza je ikonický italský pokrm, který oslovuje chuťové buňky po celém světě. Aby byla pizza skutečně lahodná, některé ingredience jsou prostě nezbytné. Podívejme se na to, co nesmí chybět na chutné pizze:

1. Kvalitní Pizzové Těsto

Základem každé dobré pizzy je kvalitní těsto. Mělo by být vzdušné, křehké a dobře vykynuté. Tradiční italské těsto se připravuje z hladké mouky, vody, soli, droždí a olivového oleje.

2. Rajčatová Omáčka

Rajčatová omáčka dodává pizze charakteristickou sladkou a kyselou chuť. Používejte kvalitní rajčata (ideálně san marzano) a ochuťte je česnekem, bazalkou a olivovým olejem.

3. Mozzarella

Mozzarella je klasickým sýrem na pizze. Používejte čerstvou mozzarellu, která se dobře taje a vytváří lahodný sýrový povlak.

Tip: Máte chuť na pravou italskou kuchyni? Nečekejte a využijte rozvoz italského jídla Praha Letňany pro chuťový zážitek přímo do vašeho domova. A abyste si mohli vychutnat autentické lahůdky bez zbytečné námahy, nezapomeňte objednat italskou kuchyni Letňany rozvoz, která vám přinese nejlepší italské speciality až k vašim dveřím. Buon appetito!

4. Bazalka

Bazalka je dalším klasickým prvkem na pizze. Její aromatická chuť dodává pizze osvěžující nádech a kontrastuje s bohatou omáčkou a sýrem.

5. Olivový Olej

Kvalitní extra panenský olivový olej může dodat pizze další vrstvu chuti a aroma. Používejte ho k jemnému potírání těsta nebo k zakápnutí hotové pizzy před podáváním.

6. Pepperoni nebo Salám

Pokud jste fanoušci masových pizz, pepperoni nebo tenké plátky salámu jsou skvělou volbou. Jejich silná chuť a kořeněná aroma dodají pizze intenzivní nádech.

7. Olivy, Houby nebo Artyčoky (Volitelně)

Další ingredience, jako jsou olivy, houby nebo artyčoky, mohou přidat do pizzy další texturu a chuťové nuance. Experimentujte a objevte svou oblíbenou kombinaci.

Kombinace těchto ingrediencí vytváří dokonalou harmonii chutí a textur, která dělá pizzu neodolatelnou. Ať už preferujete klasickou margheritu nebo si rádi hrajete s různými kombinacemi, tyto ingredience jsou základem pro chutnou a autentickou italskou pizzu. Buon appetito!


North coast called Versilia. Suggestions, tips and attractions

If you plan to visit Tuscany, you should not miss Versilia. It is a relatively small area on the Tuscan coast, located in the northwest of Tuscany. The Versilia area includes the municipalities of Viareggio, Torre del Lago, Massarosa, Camaiore and the so-called “Versilia Storica”, consisting of four ancient municipalities: Forte dei Marmi, Pietrasanta, Seravezza, and Stazzema. This charming Italian region, enclosed by the sea and the Apuan Alps, hides many natural beauties.

Thanks to its strategic geographical position, the Versilia region is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is well-known for its spa facilities and has become a popular destination for the summer holidays. Young people can enjoy the lively nightlife, and families with children appreciate the numerous excursions, cycling routes and, of course, great swimming opportunities. Below in the text, we present you with the best tips on what you can do in this region.

Relax on the beach

Enjoy relaxing on the beach. You can rent a beach hut or sun loungers for the whole day and enjoy a nice lunch in the restaurants. If you like wild and free beaches, we recommend Lecciona beach in Viareggio.

Shopping in Forte dei Marmi

Forte dei Marmi is a pleasant luxury seaside resort known throughout Italy and abroad for its boutiques, good restaurants, and bars. Every Wednesday morning, the rounded Piazza Marconi hosts the Forte dei Marmi market, where you can buy quality clothes and house utensils at great rates.

Take a walk through the artistic city of Pietrasanta

Pietrasanta is a beautiful city at the Apuan Alps’ foot, famous all over the world for its items made of marble and bronze. It’s also called Small Italian Athens because artists like Botero and Mitoraj decided to work and live there. You can find foundries, marble and mosaic workshops, art galleries, nice bars, and restaurants along its streets.

Learn more about the ancient Romans at the archaeological site

The archaeological area called Massaciuccoli Romana is situated to the east of Lake Massaciuccoli. You can discover there the world of ancient Romans under the supervision of experts and passionate archaeologists. You can even stop nearby for bird watching or take a walk along the wooden paths across the lake in the natural oasis of Massaciuccoli.

Go to the opera

If you like classical music, you can enjoy the Puccini Festival held at the Torre del Lago Open-Air Theatre on the opposite shore of the lake. The festival in honour of the great composer Giacomo Puccini, who spent most of his life there, takes place every July and August.

Hiking along Alpine trails

Discover the Apuan Alps with the highest peaks of Tuscany. The local nature park forms part of the global network of UNESCO geoparks. You can enjoy hiking along panoramic trails that lead to the mountains’ tops with breath-taking vistas of the sea.

Explore the underground of the Apuan Alps

Corchia is the largest complex of karst caves in Italy. A two-kilometre path takes you deep into the heart of the mountain, where you can admire beautiful stalactites – and it’s only a few kilometres from the beach.

Taste the traditional cuisine

Versilia is also known for its traditional food. As it is a coastal region, we recommend tasting seafood. Of course, there are many other dishes to enjoy, such as Tordelli (a type of ravioli stuffed with a mixture of different meats and herbs) or Scarpaccio (savoury vegetable pie).

Viareggio and the famous carnival

Viareggio is well-known not only for its beaches but also for its carnival. Every February, festivities are held along the seafront promenade, masks and confetti attract thousands of adults and children.

White marble quarries

If you drive along the coast, you will reach the city of Carrara, world-famous for its marble production and processing. You can visit the picturesque old town centre and admire the unique scenery of white marble quarries.

Medieval castles

The northern part of Tuscany, along its border with Liguria, is called Lunigiana and is well-known for its nature and the number of castles you can visit.

Take a visit to the Italian Venice

Venice – one of the most important tourist destinations on the northern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Thanks to their unrepeatable charm, hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world are visited every year. The historic core lies on islands in a shallow lagoon, and the newer parts have been built on a vast bank.

Looking for Scotland

What do you think of when you say Scotland? Many people immediately think of a fine golden whiskey or a bagpipe bagpipe and a classic Scottish kilt. Yes, this is part of Scotland’s main “cultural facilities”. However, this country can offer us much more – especially its beautiful landscape and nature, which is also littered with many castles with rich history and architecture. This and much more – that’s Scotland.

Austria – visit Hallstatt

Do you enjoy European cities where there is always much to see? Take a look, not just the capital city, to see what everything can bring abroad? For interesting experiences and unusual spectacles you do not have to go far, just look for Austria. There is plenty to see for our neighbors, not just Vienna or Salzburg, which are well known. What about, for example, the small town of Hallstatt?

Region of romance – Provence

Who would not know the romantic Provence? Who would not know at least photographs, lavender fields, beautiful landscapes, romantic streets of cities? The country style of home interiors in Provence has become an almost fashionable style in our country. Let’s take a look at the holiday and holiday season to see if it really is worth visiting this corner of our planet.